Want to strengthen our body resistance? all you need is a balance between Vitamin C and Zinc. Some research claims, both nutrition can improve our body's immune resistance. Vitamin C has been proven as a brace to our body's immune system, able to reduce the risk of disease and as anti oxidant. While Zinc associated with more than 80 types of synthetic enzyme in our body. Zinc is required for the development of the body, genetics, immune, system endocrine, nerve and skin health membrane. If "collaborate" proven can keep the body resistance against the attack of flu.
Proportional gain muscle for women
Some of the things that must intention are :
1. Diet. The bigger muscles you have, the more fat is also burned. Lose weight quickly through the Diet make the greater strength of our muscle will be disappeared. Excessive diet is a bad way to get the best proportion of muscle.
2. Bone structure. Because of women generally will give birth, risk of injury or pressure on the bone is very large. There are ways to reduce the risk by starting weight lifting exercise slowly but surely.
3.Fat. Women have more fat than men. Women generally have 18 - 24 percent of fat, while men 14 - 18 percent fat. Sports will reduce the fat at the effective desired area in our body.
4. Menstruation Cycle. Women who do a combination of weight training Women who do a combination of weight training, diet and stress often experience a menstruation disruption. So women need to adjust the time period of exercise with a normal menstruation situation, and of course still consider the actual fat gain to our training.
That's all today short info for you guys and keep smiling... thanks for read my post.
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