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Amazing Make-up Tips

The art of make-up has never been so easy, then why we are wearing makeup?
It was the Roman Dramatist Plautus who wrote, "A woman without makeup is like food without salt". You do not need make-up to be beautiful. Makeup helps those of us who wish our cheekbones were higher, our skin more evenly toned, or our jaws more prominent. Makeup is also a way to celebrate features we love and want to draw attention. From an unusual shade of eyeliner and long, flirty eyelashes, to a brighter lipstick and a bit of sparkle across the cheekbones. Make-up is the grown-up equivalent of dressing-up. At least you can get the make-up looks you want. Whether you are aiming for dramatic forties glitz, a swinging sixties monochrome effect, pretty pastels, or a natural look. All you have to do is follow our step-by-step beauty tips to learn exactly how to apply the perfect make-up for the most amazing results.

Many women searches for "how to apply amazing makeup", learn step by step applying makeup guide for FREE.

Step1 . Cleansing
Step2. Applying foundation
Step3. Applying concealer
Step4. Applying eye shadow
Step5. Applying eye liner
Step6. Applying eye mascara
Step7. Applying powder
Step8. Applying blush
Step9. Applying lipstick

1. Face must be clean in the first part to the neck.
2. Avoid facial which is pressed, as this will leave the inflammation that the former will be covered later difficult. Use concealer in a circle under the eyes , so that the eye does not look swollen.
3. Select foundation a very soft level 1 with color and light more evenly on the scrubbed face, neck, ears and leaves.
4. Then give shading on certain parts of the face to create the ideal look, for example, shading can be provided on the jaw, cheeks, nose, left and right temple.
5. While for the establishment of eyebrow, also should be more careful, because this will be very brow determine characters face. To make up modern, should avoid black eyebrow pencil.
6. In the cilia, also should be more careful, because the eyebrow will also determine the character face. To make up modern, should also avoid black eyebrow pencil.
7. For the powder, choose a powder compact manifold soft.
8. Finally, check back color face, ears, neck and chest. Do not look different to, that does not look like masks.
9. Use a lipstick that matches the age you are, to look more youthful and fresh, use the orange lipstick and add the lip gloss to look luminous, and use the color brown for a bit more exotic effects, but please do not hesitate to give other colors such as red, purple, pink, most importantly in accordance with the nature.

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